Sunday, May 8, 2016

Maldivian Dress and costumes

The Maldives has its own national dresses and costumes that have changed over time. Even today a walk on the streets in Male’ will offer you a mix of the traditional with the modern. 

The oldest Maldivian dress is the libaas which has evolved and changed over time. The libaas is worn with an underskirt called feyli. Feyli has traditionally been an important piece of attire for both men and women. It is a black or dark brown wraparound that is bordered at the bottom with broad stripes of white. Feyli was worn by the nobility as a sarong. The wraparound was also part of the ceremonial dress of the palace guards and other attendants at the palace.

libas and feyli

Dhigu hedhun is a more recent introduction. The national dress was designed and introduced in the 1950s and is now widely worn by ladies as an everyday dress as well as at important national functions.
Faaskuri hedhun or Dhigu hedhun

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